LocalU Recap: How Much Am I Going To Get & How Fast? The Thankless Art of SEO Forecasting

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by WillMorriss

By Andrew Shotland | CEO/SEO Consultant, Local SEO Guide

Forecasting model shown in this presentation: https://github.com/LocalSEOGuide/lsg-forecasting

Presentation Overview 

In this Local U presentation, Local SEO Guide’s CEO, Andrew Shotland, explains the big questions around SEO forecasting. Namely, what SEO revenue forecasting is, what are the typical methods that are implemented by SEOs to predict ROI, and some of the reasons these can be problematic. 

Additionally, he describes the challenges associated with forecasting methods and outlines which current forecasting models are safer bets and methods that are risky business. 

He also describes the way Local SEO Guide has been working to improve on these methods with machine learning (ML). This model works to create a methodology that is based on historical data and linked to SEO investment which can be more effective than some current practices.

It’s fair to say that no SEO can see the future in perfect clarity (any more than a “social media guru”) but there are ways to get a good idea of what to expect with different degrees of SEO investment. Our mission with building this new forecasting model is to start a conversation about the future of forecasting and forge an industry standard.

Live Panel Discussion: Taking SEO Forecasting Methods to the Next Level

There’s always room for improvement with respect to the accuracy of forecasting and tremendous value in developing an industry standard for SEO forecasting methodology–both for SEOs and stakeholders. To that end, Local SEO Guide is holding a live panel webinar discussion to engage the topic with industry experts.

The goal of this talk is to open the discussion around forecasting, share insights & information, and collaborate with other SEOs to build a standard. We believe if we combine forces we can work together to refine the process of forecasting and create further validation of the SEO industry as a whole.

We invite you to listen, share, and be a part of the future of forecasting conversation on Wednesday, April 27 at 10 AM PT!

Featured Panelists


Rachel Heseltine

VP of Consumer Growth

Trader Interactive


Andrew Shotland

CEO, SEO consultant

Local SEO Guide


Marty Martin

Founder, CEO




Victor Pan

Principal Marketer, Technical SEO








10am PT, 1PM ET


Jess Peck

MLOps Engineer

Local SEO Guide



Forecasting Solutions: Open Sourcing & Collaborating

We are committed to collaborating with SEOs and other industry experts to further refine forecasting methodology. If you are interested in our current model, we’ve made it available via github where you can find an open sourced version here.

If you have any thoughts, questions, or additional ideas we’d love to hear from you at the live webinar we are holding on  Wednesday, April 27 at 10 AM PT. There will be a live Q&A. Register here for the live panel!

For those who can’t make it to the event but are interested in collaborating please email: andrew@localseoguide.com

Presentation Recap:

  • Stakeholders always ask for forecasts
  • SEOs never like providing forecasts because it’s hard to predict
  • The typical ways SEOs tend to forecast. [Good & Bad]
  • Creating a model that is based on historical data and tied to investment?
  • Our approach to SEO forecasting using ML and how it works
  • An open source version so you can do this yourself 
  • Additional Resources for Forecasting

Resources Shared for Forecasting

  1. Open source LSG model version .01
  2. RICE Model by Local SEO Guide
  3. ARIMA Model – Complete Guide to Time Series Forecasting 
  4. How to Create an ARIMA Model
  5. Introduction to ARIMA
  6. Local SEO Guide! 🤙
  7. SEPA Direct Debit Guide


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