The Page 2 Bump

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by andrewsho

Angelina Jolie Bump

With SEO sometimes the simplest tactics can have the biggest effect. Here’s some inexpensive SEO you can do today no matter how big or small your site is and probably get some quick results. I call it the “Page 2 Bump”.

  1. Look at the keywords that are sending you good to ok traffic.

  2. Check your site’s rank in Google for each keyword.

  3. Note all of the keywords that are on page 2 of Google and pick the one that is sending you the most traffic. Let’s call this the “Bumpword”

  4. Increase the internal linking to the page the Bumpword ranks for. At the very least link to it from somewhere on the home page. Make sure you use a variation of the Bumpword in the anchor text that links to the page.

  5. Sit back, let the crawling and indexing begin and get ready to say hello to page one.

Now there are no guarantees, but last week I employed this tactic for a local seo client and with just a few additional internal links the site went from page two to page one for one of the most competitive keywords on the planet. The # of referrals for the keyword increased by over 1,000%. Not bad for a couple of links.

So what are you waiting for? Get your bump on.


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