Is That A 5″ Screen in Your Pocket or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

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by andrewsho

That was the proposed name of the awesome panel I am going to be moderating at Street Fight Summit West in San Francisco on June 3rd:

Screen Shot 2014-05-05 at 2.52.56 PMGrinder Logo

Hot, Local Action
Sure, smartphones are great for finding a nearby restaurant or getting an Uber car, but the true innovation was making it easier for all of us to hook up. In this panel, two of the most popular location-based dating apps get up close and personal, exploring the exploding $2B+ local, mobile personals industry — and what other local marketers can learn from their successes. Find out how these apps are spreading the local love.
Andrew Shotland, Proprietor, Local SEO Guide (moderator)
Jonathan Badeen, Co-founder, Tinder
* Steve Levin, Global Head of Sales, Grindr

This is one local search panel you will not want to miss. Still trying to convince my wife those apps on my phone are for research…


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