What Happened To CitySearch’s Business?

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by andrewsho

Today Greg Sterling asked What’s Going On At CityGrid?:

“Here’s my paraphrase of some of the things I was told:

  • CityGrid and Citysearch are struggling (to retain and deliver value to advertisers)
  • Citysearch was characterized to me as having lost so much momentum that it was effectively “dead”
  • CityGrid and associated properties (InsiderPages, Citysearch, Urbanspoon) are being reorganized, with an announcement to come soon
  • I was also told that IAC had tried unsuccessfully to sell CityGrid (possibly Citysearch as well) but that didn’t happen

This is hearsay so be cautious. But most of these comments had the ring of truth.”

So I took a look at the SearchMetrics SEO Ranking for CitySearch and it’s pretty clear what happened, at least it’s pretty clear what happened to CitySearch.com:

CitySearch SEO Ranking



BTW, if someone at CityGrid is interested in unloading InsiderPages, give me a buzz.


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