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by Dan

It’s really important to update your <title> tags when re-launching or re-branding a site

It helps create a better search experience, and decreases confusion related to your branding. For example, oDesk recently rebranded and relaunched their site as UpWork:


Their <title> tags are properly updated and there is no disconnect when you do a branded search. This is something that all big brands with top notch SEO’s do, right?

Hey Google Update Your <title> Tags!

Wrong, in fact some of the biggest companies get it totally wrong.


I know Matt Cutts is still on leave, but you would think someone on the web spam team would think to update their own title tags. I  mean, they do have a thing or two to say about them.

Also, it’s important to update the text on your login screen:

GWT err I Meant GSC

Honestly $GOOG, sometimes it doesn’t even feel like you are trying.


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