David Krantz of AT&T Interactive – #DMS09

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by andrewsho

I’m back after a day of schmoozing to liveblog David Krantz’s (CEO of AT&T Interactive) presentation.

1.8B searches on their network

20M unique visitors/mnth to Yellowpages.com

250% Mobile Search Growth 2008-2009

74% brand awareness for Yellowpages.com

$89B U.S. Local Ad Spend – Local Interactive = 14% ($12B)

38% of all online search traffic is “local”

27M businesses listed on yellowpages.com

He’s been talking a lot about the importance of social in a general way and hinted that it’s going to be a big part of their future strategy – “We have a neat brand and URL we’re going to launch soon”  – Look out Yelp!.

They are making a heavy investment in mobile building apps for all major platforms.

He envisions a one-stop-shop for local interactive media – search, social, display, etc.


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