Best of the Web Local Launches: Look Out IYPs

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by andrewsho

Just when you were thinking that the world needed one more online yellow pages with customer reviews, Best of the Web beat you to the punch and launched BOTW Local.

So what makes this different from all of the other local search guys out there?  On its face, not much.  However, in SEO circles BOTW is considered a tier 1 Web directory, which means that when your SEO guy is starting a linkbuilding campaign, there’s a good chance he starts with getting your site listed in BOTW.   This means BOTW has relationships with thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of sites or their marketing representatives.  And if they are already getting them to part with $ for a link from the main directory it seems like a slam dunk to get them to shell out for a local directory link.

And now that BOTW has millions of local listings, I would expect to see their SEO traffic start to crank up eating into every other local search site’s audience.

And any $ spent on BOTW Local will be that much less spent on another IYP.

Man this local search thing is getting crazy.


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