Server Side Rendering For Dummies (& Non-Technical SEO Decision-Makers)

Your engineering team just mentioned they are rolling out a new type of product landing page built with REACT or Angular or some other hipster tech name you may have seen out of the corner of your eye on your Twitter SEO feed. Your gut says this could be an SEO problem, and your gut is probably right. You search Google for “react SEO issues”, “react and SEO”, “what is server side rendering”, “google server side rendering and seo”, etc.…

Paid Search Targeting Brand Keywords = SEO Death

For fans of the long-running SEO Death series, this isn’t really a new issue. About two years ago I posited Is Your Adwords Campaign Hijacking Your SEO Traffic? The answer of course was “yes.” Here’s the graph that illustrated the problem: I am re-upping this because we just got a new client that hired us because their organic traffic had started tanking, but when you looked at the data in Google Search Console, it only showed brand queries were tanking.…

The Ultimate Guide to Google Cache Text Strings

We have a client site whose SEO often defies description, along with canonicalization. We often have to check Google’s cache of various URLs to see what in fact Google is getting, but sometimes when you view the Full Version of the cache it just rapidly reloads like a blinking strobe light. Kind of like this: And there’s no way to get to the Text-Only or View Source versions of the cached URL as the links don’t stay in place long…

Google Still Has A Lot of Work To Do When It Comes To Location…

One of the perks of international travel is getting to see what the SERPs really look like in other countries. Check out this query for “Sams Club”* I did while in Barcelona yesterday: So Google thinks the “Barcelona” line of Sam’s Club furniture is relevant to me simply because I am in Barcelona. Note my query never specified location. Google just knows there’s a page called “Barcelona” which matches the name of city I am in. If had been in…

IHob’s SEO Berson Is Brobably Buking Right Now…I Know I Am

It must be tempting for a brand to try to do the fun, edgy social media thing, like tease a new promotion or rebranding: For 60 pancakin’ years, we’ve been IHOP. Now, we’re flippin’ our name to IHOb. Find out what it could b on 6.11.18. #IHOb — IHOb (@IHOb) Dear Internet, we abbreciate your batience. Now let’s see who guessed right. B-hold!!!!! #IHOb — IHOb (@IHOb) June 11, 2018 com/IHOb/status/1003682801042915328?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>June 4, 2018 IHOb? What could it b?…

Is “Near Me” SEO Moving Farther Away?

Local SEO Twitter was slightly a flutter yesterday after my bud John Mueller apparently mentioned you should avoid placing “Near Me” in titles if you want to rank for “Near Me” searches: Want to rank for ‘Near Me’ searches? Avoid placing ‘near me’ in your titles, make sure your address is on your site and get your Google My Business profile setup and verified… results are predominantly based on the users location. Confirmed by @JohnMu #LocalSEO #Google 🤓🔍 —…

Google Duplex

At college, after getting demolished in squash against, Mike, a hyper-competitive pre-med, he asked me what I planned to do for a career. I told him I wanted to get into television. He sneeringly countered how he was going to become a surgeon and extend his patients’ lives by many years. The implication being I was wasting my life with something as trivial as TV. “That’s awesome Mike,” I responded enthusiastically, “You know what your patients are going to do…

Best Top Sample Basic Local SEO Presentation 2018

The people at The BDX Summit were nice enough to invite me to Austin to speak to a group of homebuilders about SEO. While I gave my presentation, Graphic Recorder & Illustrator Katherine Torrini drew this poster. It was an amazing thing to see. It reminded me of when my mother would sometimes take me to children’s concerts at Lincoln Center and a woman would stand in front of the orchestra drawing pictures of what the music represented. If you want to see more…

Google My Business Reviews From The Web Rate 0 ⭐

And speaking of reputation management for small business, I was checking out LSG’s GMB description after Colan Nielsen had posted about them showing up in GMB Knowledge Panels the other day (They’re gone again btw) when I noticed in the “Reviews from the web” section we had a lousy 3/5 rating: Like any business owner, I wanted to see where these reviews came from and what I could do to turn those three stars into five. Imagine my surprise to…

Hacked Site Manual Action Report from Google? Try Bing To Find It

While procrastinating last Friday afternoon, I noticed a distress call show up in my Twitter feed: Hmm… I might talk to @AlanBleiweiss and @Marie_Haynes. They’ve got loads of experience in this world. — Rand Fishkin (@randfish) March 30, 2018 Now Marie and Alan are both fine SEOs, but I’ve got to admit when I saw this I had a moment of professional #jel. I mean had Rand not seen The Ultimate List of Pharmaceutical SPAM Keywords? Had Rand not listened…