Before You Kill That Mobile Subdomain…

Funny Kill It With Fire GIF from Funny GIFs Most SEOs I know hate sites with separate mobile URLs. They served their purpose back in the early days of mobile browsers, but over time the maintenance overhead combined with the SEO uncertainty brought on by having two different sets of near duplicate URLs has caused many of us to advocate for migrating to a single set of URLs for both mobile and desktop. But maybe we shouldn’t be the ones…

Did Local Review Spammers Just Get Self-Served?

See Betteridge’s Law of Headlines for the answer. For those looking to procrastinate, feel free to read on. Yesterday’s Google announcement about it’s new “algorithmic updates” review mark-up caused a fair amount of Local SEO Twittering and Slacking. Today, we’re introducing an algorithmic update to review snippets to ease implementation:– Clear set of schema types for review snippets– Self-serving reviews aren’t allowed– Name of the thing you’re reviewing is requiredMore details: — Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) September 16, 2019 My…

Moz Local 301s To Uberall

Update: A Mozzer pinged me in a private Slack channel to lmk that they they are punting on listings management and working on relaunching MozLocal with more valuable features. This is slightly at odds with my guess at what happened below (but hey, #blogger), but it sounds like they are looking at baking more “Local” data into their SEO tool suite which kind of fits with my take that that is where they have the biggest advantage/opportunity. Here’s what they…

How To Force Q&A On a GMB Page That Doesn’t Have It

Here’s a stupid little GMB Q&A thing I figured out yesterday I thought you all might enjoy. I was asked by mi nuevo amigo, Ruben Coll Molina of PA Digital in Spain, what is the event that triggers the Q&A functionality in a GMB profile? Ruben had found that some of their SMB customers did not have the functionality. He sent me to this SERP for “nouvelle couquette”, a clothing store in Torrent, Spain. At the time, their GMB did not display…

10 Local SEO Predictions for 2019: Job Security For Local SEOs

SMBs As a Group Will Continue To Not Get SEO A little over a year ago, my dentist moved his office but never thought about updating his listing in Google Maps, Apple Maps or his website. I showed him how to fix the issue, but this morning on the way to my end of the year teeth cleaning, not only was his old location back on Apple Maps, but he had also decided to change his business name from Joseph…

It’s Not Too Late To Localize Your Black Friday SEO Strategy

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are closing in. For most retailers, Black Friday is one of the biggest revenue generators of the year, but it’s surprising (except perhaps to most SEOs) how many of them neglect the basics. If you fall into that category, you still have a few days to try to turn that lemon into lemonade with some very simple updates to your site. If you search for “black friday sale near me” you will likely see a…

Apple Maps May Not Be As Far Behind Google Maps As You Think…

Justin O’Beirne has published another amazingly detailed analysis of Apple Maps and how it has developed compared to Google Maps. While I shall yield to Justin’s mastery of all things geospatial, I feel like he kind of punted on his analysis of Apple Maps’ business listings data. O’Beirne observes that Apple Maps has few business listings for Markleeville, CA and then claims “all of the businesses shown on Apple’s Markleeville map seem to be coming from Yelp, Apple’s primary place data provider.”…

SEO Smoke Tests for Dynamic Rendering

 via GIPHY Google just published an article on how to “Get Started With Dynamic Rendering.” If you are working on a site with a “modern framework” (e.g. Angular, React, or other tech with a lot of JavaScript features), you’ll want to bookmark that post. If reading is not your thing, a few weeks ago I put together Server Side Rendering For Dummies (& Non-Technical SEO Decision Makers), which boils down a lot of the Google techno-jargon into a single PowerPoint…

Structured Data Can = MehSEO

In 2011, Google, Bing & Yahoo announced which got SEOs all excited to start marking up website content to turn it into “structured data.” The benefit would be that search engines would be more certain that a text string of numbers was in fact a phone number, or at least they would be more certain that you wanted them to think it was phone number. The search engines could then turn the structured data into eye-catching fripperies designed to…

How Long Does It Take SEO Traffic To Recover From Blocking Googlebot?

Two weeks ago a client reset its bot-blocker, unintentionally blocking Googlebot. We had SEORadar monitoring the site so we quickly discovered the problem and alerted the client. Unfortunately, by the time they fixed the bot-blocker settings, they had lost about 100,000 daily visitors from Google. Of course, the first thing they asked was: How Long Will It Take Our Google Traffic To Recover From Blocking Googlebot? While your mileage may vary, in this case the answer is about one week.…