SEO for Businesses With Multiple Locations In The Same City

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by andrewsho

Multiple Locations SEO

A while ago David Mihm asked if I could provide guidance on how to optimize a business with multiple locations in the same geographic area. Well Dave, here at Local SEO Guide we aim to please, eventually:

1. Assuming all the businesses are branded the same (e.g. Dazzle Dental) I would create a different page on their website for each location. The URLs would be something like this: or

  1. Each location page should have the complete address and phone number for the location listed twice. Once in standard mailing address format and once in a single line across the bottom of the page which helps mobile search robots determine that the data is in fact an address and phone number. Of course each location page should have the relevant location in the Title Tag and the H1 of the page.

  2. Each location page should be crawlable from the home page and have multiple internal links from other pages on the Dazzle Dental site using targeted anchor text (e.g. “Avondale dentist”, etc.). It might even make sense to have a separate page for each service the dentist offers and link to each location page with the relevant service and location in the anchor text (e.g. “teeth whitening in Avondale”, etc.).

  3. For each location submit the address, phone numbers and all other relevant brand, product, services, business hours, credit cards accepted, etc. to Google Maps and other online yellow pages submission services. If you are having trouble getting shown on the first page of Google Map results you may need to get a new location closer to the centroid that Google Maps is using for your business category.

  4. Get inbound links from other locally and topically relevant sites to each location page. Local chambers of commerce, business groups (e.g. Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.), not-for-profits, papers, etc. are all good targets to get inbound links. Make sure the links have targeted anchor text with the relevant location included.

  5. Run a promotion to give free teeth cleanings, or some other valuable service, to your customers who write a positive review of your business on one of the local business reviews sites and email them to you. Add these reviews to the relevant location page.

This is probably more than enough for most businesses. If this doesn’t do it then you most likely will have to start developing more content that is targeted at your locations, such as blog posts, and you probably will need to do better at getting relevant inbound links.

I would also look into more guerilla tactics to target customers in the specific neighborhoods such as using Freecycle to market your business.


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